DP Category 2 - Computer science: English

These workshops are designed for participants who are keen to improve the teaching and learning experience in the DP classroom. The workshop will enable participants to:
  • Unpack elements of the IB Programme standards and practices as a guide for decisions regarding delivery of the subject
  • Review and share strategies that support successful collaborative planning and reflection which deepen links with the DP Core - theory of knowledge (TOK), CAS and EE
  • Consolidate understanding of the nature of the extended essay and the role of the supervisor, to include reference to world studies interdisciplinary extended essay
  • Examine the connection between their chosen subject, the approaches to teaching and learning and the learner profile while promoting an international mindedness
  • Create teaching and learning strategies that develop self-regulated and metacognitive learners
  • Design appropriate inquiry-based lessons and activities for their subject
  • Discuss strategies for addressing assessment-related challenges in the chosen subject
  • Understand how to arrive at a judgment using a common assessment task and published criteria
  • Analyse IB subject reports to promote student achievement
  • Discuss successful strategies for recording, reporting and monitoring ongoing student progress in the subject group
  • Design formative learning engagements that will equip students with the required factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge that support the summative assessment task(s)
  • Engage with and integrate current IB publications on the programme resource centre integrated into the teaching of their subject
  • Discuss and share strategies to promote academic integrity
  • Interact with and explore the TSM and subject-specific teaching and learning resources on the programme resource centre and in the programme communities throughout the curriculum life cycle
  • Participate in professional learning communities within and beyond your school to facilitate the transfer of professional development
  • Reflect on the teacher’s role in programme evaluation, particularly how to highlight horizontal and vertical in-school planning.

Recommended audience : Teachers